AGM 2018 Decisions – Treasurer Required

Annual General Meeting 2018 Decisions

The 2018 Softball Ireland Annual General Meeting was held on November 17, 2018. Thank you to all the members who attended and took part in engaged and positive AGM.

Below is a summary of the decisions on the day, the full minutes will be circulated shortly.

  • A detailed update on the proposed merger with Baseball Ireland was provided to the membership in attendance
  • Accounts to year ended September 30, 2018 approved
  • Elections/Confirmation of Appointments as follows
    • Conor Sayles was elected as Secretary
    • Jonathan Spielberg was confirmed as Softball Leinster Rep.
    • Jay Slevin was confirmed as Softball Ulster Rep.
    • Melanie Cunningham was confirmed as Fastpitch Rep.
    • Erin Brown was confirmed as Independent Board member
  • 2019 Softball Ireland priorities were noted
  • Constitutional amendments were approved

Treasurer Required

Softball Ireland are seeking a volunteer to take on the position of Treasurer – if you are interested in the role or need to know more about it please email