Day: 31 March 2021

Ulster Teams coming together at a summer tournament.

Happy Birthday Softball Ulster

This week, on the 31st March 2021, Softball Ulster celebrated its 13th birthday. Established in 2008, SU has now grown to become the second largest regional association of softball on the island of Ireland. Current Softball Ireland President Colum Lavery signed Softball Ulster into being during his previous role as SI Secretary – you can view the original letter below, shared by Andrew Craven the current Chairperson of SU. The first Chairperson of SU was Carrie Trundle, who worked hard to earn recognition for the Ulster teams and bring SU into being.

In 2008 the SU League only featured three teams: the Smokin’ Aces, Aviators and Brawlers. In 2021 the SU League has expanded to feature six teams, which still includes two of the original three: the Smokin’ Aces, Brawlers, Sliders, Cubs, Angels and Bucs. At its largest, the SU League included a total of eight teams. Notable teams over the years include: the Aviators, Jets, Braves and Mariners.

If you want more information on the history of Softball Ulster, or the sport of softball in general, why not visit their website at:!

The original letter that signed Softball Ulster into existence