Day: 28 July 2020

Have Your Say: CO-ED Slowpitch Development Plan Consultation

The Slowpitch Development Working Group has prepared a DRAFT development plan for co-ed slowpitch softball in Ireland.

This plan has been developed with the working party comprising of Ruth Brady, Declan Carty, Andrew Craven, Will Gilpin, Amanda Ní Ghabhann, Jay Slevin & Colum Lavery (President).  There have been two workshops to develop the DRAFT, and a third is planned for the end of August to considering member feedback.

Sofball Ireland members are invited to review the attached draft Co-ed Slowpitch Development plan and consider the below questions.

The DRAFT CO-ED Slowpitch Development Plan can be downloaded here

1. Do you agree with the vision statement yes/No
2. If No can you, please provide comment on what needs to be changed and or added
3. Do you agree with the six work streams required to achieve the Vision yes/No
4. If No can you, please provide comment on what is missing and or should be removed/changed
5. Is there anything missing from the tasks/programmes to be developed that you feel should be considered for inclusion in the next Draft

The final date for feedback on the plan is Monday 17th August. The Project Team will meet on the 27th August and consider what changes should be made to the Draft as a result of the feedback received. Following this meeting, a final Draft Development Plan will be provided to the Softball Ireland Board for its consideration and hopefully, approval.

Members are asked to send their feedback on the DRAFT CO-ED Slowpitch Development plan to